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Safe, nurturing and child centred care provided

who we are

Dedicated care for young people

Our residential home is managed by a team of appropriately qualified staff, and has been purposely set up as a children’s residential home for young people of either gender who at any one time are unable to live at home.

Our home provides short-term to long-term residential placement for young people, catering for a plethora of children in a supervised setting at any one time.

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Happy Children and Young Adults
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Years of Experience
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Members of Staff


What Makes us Stand Apart

At Oakley House Children’s Home, we take our responsibility to care for vulnerable children, young people, and adults very seriously.

Our vision, mission, and promise are the foundation of our culture, and we strive to embody them in everything we do.

We are dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing environment where young adults can thrive and achieve their full potential.


Safety is the top priority at Oakley House Children's Home, as we understand that the children in our care have experienced trauma and may have complex needs.


Reliability is another core value that we hold dear at Oakley House Children's Home. We know that the children in our care need stability and consistency.


Support for young people is at the heart of everything we do, as we believe that every child deserves to have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Explore our Houses &
Available Accommodation!

At Oakley House, we provide a family living environment where young people can learn to value and develop personal relationships by providing situations and experiences that encourage trust, self-esteem, and mutual respect.

Our child-centered environment enables young people to receive positive role modeling and guidance through continuity of reliable relationships and consistent nurturing care.

We create a safe, non-judgmental environment to encourage age-appropriate development and positive future outcomes.

Our aim is to support, guide and assist young people in making their own decisions about their lives, and to teach them how to replace negative, often self-destructive behavior patterns with alternative methods of coping.

We encourage young people to recognize their own strengths, individuality, and potential for development and independence. 

With this in mind, we work closely with the local authority and other agencies to ensure the stability and well-being of the placement, along with optimal opportunities for the young person.

Oakley House Children's Home

All children have their own lockable bedrooms, which can be personalised to reflect their own identity and encourage a sense of belonging.

Oakley House Children's Home

There is a lounge and separate dining room, as well as a large conservatory with soft furnishings, games, craft facilities, a computer, books and more.

Oakley House Children's Home

Children have their own room as well as a shared lounge and dining area, whilst our house is fully kitted out with a range of games and other entertaining facilities.


Experienced, Highly Trained
Staff Members and Team!

We understand that each child has individual needs and therefore we tailor our care packages to meet their specific requirements.

Our experienced and highly trained staff work in partnership with the young person to develop a care plan that is unique to them.

We provide support in all areas of life, including education, health, social and emotional development, and independent living skills.

If you are also interested in joining our team, simply click on the button below to apply online today, directly through our website. 



Oakley House Children’s Home admits children through a referral process managed by social services.

Scroll down to learn more about the process, or visit the dedicated page on our website to get all the information you need as well as the criteria for admission. 

Pre-admission Assessment

A Pre-admission and Risk assessment are conducted by social services, along with a discussion by an internal panel about the suitability of each placement .

1st Step

Social Services Referral

After a successful pre-admission process, Social Services will provide us with a referral enabling us to admit the young person's to our safe and secure accommodation.

2nd Step

Key Worker Appointment

If there is a place available, a key worker is appointed who spends time with the child or young person to explore their understanding & expectations of the placement.

3nd Step

Home Induction Process

An induction process then begins, which can include an overnight stay. If there are no vacancies at the time of referral, the child's name can be placed on a waiting list.

4th Step
Please send all referrals to
For emergency referrals please contact 0778977459.


What They Say

Have a look at just some of our testimonials below and do not hesitate to contact us for further referrals or reviews if required. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Have a look at just some of the most common questions we are asked, and do not hesitate to contact our helpful team, with any further queries you may have.

At Oakley House Children's Home, we are dedicated to providing a stable and caring environment for vulnerable children, young people, and adults across the UK. Our work has given hundreds of of young adults opportunities they may have otherwise missed out on. We take pride in our initiatives and collaborations with like-minded organizations, all committed to building incredible futures. Through our efforts, we aim to provide valuable and amazing experiences for people from all walks of life. From fundraising for charity to community engagement and offering new experiences, we strive to make a positive impact and contribute to a better world for all.

We’re proud to work with Local Authorities and Trusts across the UK, and for decades we’ve matched each person with the most appropriate schools and residential placements. Working closely with them we make sure every placement serves the best interests of the children and young people, and helps them achieve the best possible outcomes.

We focus on every person in our education and care settings by providing them with a safe and supportive environment where they can grow, thrive and be happy.

If you would like to discuss a placement with our Residential service, please contact our referrals team for more information.

Please email all referrals to: and for out of hours or emergency referrals please call 07789777459.

Oakley House Children's Home operates as a private children’s home that works in partnership with local authorities to provide a specialist service for children and young people. When local authorities are unable to place a child with one of their own foster carers, they seek the services of homes like Oakley House Children's Home to find a suitable home for children. By providing this extra support, we help local authorities meet the demands placed on care services and ensure that children and young people receive the care they deserve.


Commitment to
High Quality Care

Our commitment to providing high-quality care is evident in our facilities.
Oakley House Children’s Home is based across the UK and was founded over a decade ago, in 2012.

We are an organisation that can offer a full range of resources capable of meeting some of the most complex and challenging care and health needs of young people in care nationwide.